Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Mimi's bike ride

Mimi has been texting pieces of her journey on bicycle to the Mexico Boarder:
 April 18, 2014
Near Yakima now. Sunny. Beautiful world.

April 20, 2014
Goldndale headwind, rain ystrdy, clmbd SadisPass. Wild horses! Body@capcty. Maryhil 2day.

April 22, 2014
Tent blew off us ths am, n there an antelope 20ft away! In Shaniko OR. Headwind intense

A few days later: 


April 29.
paisley, OR

May 3rd:
CA at last, near Reno. 

May 5th,
All is well. Just arrvd in Reno. Windy!

May 11th
Mono Lake!  Bedroom on Walker Rvr.

May 20

drankfrom swamin sleptnear

May 24
In La Jolla. Pelicans. Seals. Surfers.

May 25
Sometimes brokn. Route troules sinc Rivrsd. Goin E again on 8. So close. In La Mesa

map route freways messy messy


  1. love the b&w video of the tumbleweed. I hope you are having some fun
    please turn off the captcha stuff and you will probably get more comments

  2. Mimi, so glad our paths crossed at Holden. Curious about your whereabouts. May you have an abundance of trail magic. Phil
